Hekiganroku - Case 91: Enkan and the "Rhinoceros" One day, Enkan called to his attendant, "Bring me the rhinoceros fan." The attendant said, "It is broken." Enkan said, "If the fan is already broken, bring me the rhinoceros himself." The attendant gave no answer. [1] Tosu said, "I wouldn't mind bringing that, but the horn on its head would not be complete." (Setcho said, "I need to see that incomplete horn.") Sekiso said, "If I brought it back to you, nothing would remain [for me]." (Setcho said, "That rhinoceros is still there.") Shifuku drew a circle and wrote the ideograph "ox[2]" in it. (Setcho said, "Why didn't you bring it out sooner?) Hofuku said, "Master, you are so advanced in years. Please engage someone else." [3] (Setcho said, "Regrettable! All efforts have proved fruitless!") [1]: To this episode the following Zen personalities give their answers on behalf of the attendant. [2]: The Chinese character for "ox" (gyu) is one of the two characters for "rhinoceros" (saigyu = sai + gyu). [3]: [Since the task you give me is too harsh.]